Sustainable Fast Fashion Scorecard

This is a full breakdown of the scorecard and the scoring behind it. Click on the image to enlarge.

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Green indicates environmental categories, blue indicates social and ethical category, and yellow is both environmental and ethical.

The four main categories are broken down into environmental operations, recycling, sourcing, and code of conducts.

Environmental Operations

Environmental Operations assesses whether the fashion company have plans to actively reduce the environmental impact of their business, both domestically and internationally. They receive one point for having a stated goal and deadline, one point for providing information on their carbon emissions, one point for providing information on their electricity consumption, and one final point for providing information on their water consumption.

The goal for environmental operations is that by having these companies set environmental goals and publicly disclose their environmental impact, they would be more incentivized to reduce their consumption.

Sourcing: Animal and Non-Animal

Sourcing, Animal and Non-Animal, assesses whether the fashion company are sourcing animal-products, such as leather and feather, and non-animal material, like cotton, responsibly. Companies receive one point each for sourcing animal and non-animal products responsibly. The list of organizations include:…

Code of Conduct 

Code of Conduct assesses whether the fashion company have a clear code of conduct that forbids unethical business practices in their oversea factories, including child labor and exploiting their workers through withholding wage or being in unsafe working conditions. Companies receive one point for having a code of conduct.

Clothing Recycling

Clothing Recycling assesses whether the fashion company have a program that allows consumers to donate old clothing to be recycled at stores. Companies receive one point for having a recycling program and one point for stating the quantity of clothing recycled.